... and we got rtl, too!

Well, you might want to use this theme in a right-to-left language too, We got you covered! below are two paragraphs with the same content, in two languages (the other being Persian).

This is the left-to-right right-to-left version of the blog. Since it's not practical to have two layouts applied at the same time, you can check the other layout (right-to-left) out check the other layout (left-to-right) out to see for yourself.

این قالب چپ به راست راست به چپ این تم هست. چون عملاً ممکن نیست که هر دو قالب هم‌زمان اعمال شده باشن، می‌تونید قالب دیگر رو (راست به چپ) قالب دیگر رو (چپ به راست) امتحان کنید تا خودتون ببینید.